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Call for Papers |
Rocky Mountain Conference of Parasitologists
ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE OF PARASITOLOGISTS Cedar Point Biological Station Ogallala Nebraska September 18-20, 2008 Abstract Form Registration Forms Map
See the program, and hear the Gerald D. Schmidt Memorial Lecture given by Dr. John Janovy Jr. LOCATION AND TRAVEL
For those traveling by air, the closest airport to Cedar Point Biological Station is located at North Platte, Nebraska about 60 miles east of Cedar Point (North Platte Regional Airport). The North Platte airport is served by Great Lakes Aviation (1-308-532-1558) which offers flights from and to Denver. North Platte Airport Car Rental are available from Avis (308)-532-8014 and National (308) 532- 3766. For more information contact the official North Platte Airport website (http://www.northplatteairport.com/).
LODGING Cedar Point Biological Station has faculty and graduate student units with air conditioning and bathrooms and student cabins with no air conditioning and a shared bathroom for men and women. All the beds are twin beds, so guests need to bring twin sheets and/or sleeping bags, pillows and toiletries. The following rates are quoted below.
Units Daily Price Single Daily Price with Roommate(s)
Alternatively if staying at the field station is not your thing, Kingsley Lodge (308-284-2775) is located 10 minutes from the field station rooms are available for $69.00 plus tax per night.
Breakfast $4.50
Matthew Bolek, Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University, 430 Life Sciences West, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74078 or bolek@okstate.edu. Abstracts are preferred to be submitted as an attachment in Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect. If you submit an abstract electronically, please include the information requested at the top of Abstract form. The DEADLINE for receiving abstracts will be Friday, September 5th. LENGTH of PRESENTATION--Scheduling will allow for oral presentations to be 15 minutes in length. There will be a few minutes after each presentation for questions. Longer presentations can be scheduled if you notify me at the time you submit your abstract. A-V EQUIPMENT--We will have a microphone equipped podium, a 2 X 2 slide projector, an overhead projector, a TV/VCR, and a computer projection system available for your use. If you need equipment not listed, please specify your additional needs when you submit an abstract. POSTER SESSION: Those presenting posters should plan to set them up on Friday morning before the start of the meeting. Guidelines for posters are given on the next page. STUDENT AWARDS: The Datus M. Hammond Award will be presented for the best paper by a graduate student, and the William C. Marquardt Award will be presented for the best paper by an undergraduate student. There will also be separate awards for the best poster presented by undergraduate and graduate students. ABSTRACTS: Abstracts must be submitted for both oral presentations and poster presentations. 1. The entire abstract-- including title, author(s) and institution(s)-- should fit within a space no larger than 4 inches by six and one half inches wide. 2. Type the entire title in capital letters, and italicize generic and specific names. Author name(s) and their affiliated institution(s) should follow the title. If papers are jointly authored but different institutions are represented, each author should have the name of his/her institution immediately after their name. Capitalize only the first letters of the authors names and institutions. You may include department, laboratory, or division names along with your institution, but do not include professional titles or the city and state unless they are a part of the institution name. If a paper has more than one author, designate the individual that will present the paper with an asterisk. 3. Double space between the title/author heading and the text of the abstract. Begin the abstract text at the left hand margin, and do not divide the text into paragraphs. 4. Use a good quality printer to reproduce your abstract, and be sure to carefully proof read it. All abstracts will appear in the program as submitted. GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITES OF BIGHORN SHEEP IN WESTERN MONTANA AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HERD HEALTH. David E. Worley* and Floyd M. Seesee, Veterinary Molecular Biology Laboratory, Montana State University. Gastrointestinal parasites of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) from 11 western Montana herds were investigated...............
POSTERS: Posters will be displayed on the walls of Gainsforth Resource Center and will accommodate posters up to 6 feet wide by 4 feet long. The following guidelines may be useful: Minimize the text. Use drawings, photographs, graphs, and tables to convey your message. Use lettering and images that are easily viewable from at least three feet away. Use a matte finish for photographs to minimize glare.
If you have specific questions regarding the meeting, abstracts, posters, lodging, etc. please contact me by email (bolek@okstate.edu) or telephone (405-564-0846 or 405 744-5555)
Meetings, Goodall Lodge/ Gainsforth Resource Center FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 7:00–7:30 A.M. ..........Breakfast 8:45–11:45 A.M. Morning Session 12:00–1:00 P.M. Lunch 1:15–5:00 P.M. Afternoon Session 5:30 P.M. Banquet Dinner 7:30 P.M. Gerald D. Schmidt Memorial Lecture
Meetings, Goodall Lodge SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 7:00–7:30 A.M. Breakfast 8:45 –10:15 A.M. Morning Session 10:30–11:30 A M. Awards and Business Meeting 12:00 P.M. Lunch Optional